GIVEAWAY PAGE (For January, 2025) This Month's Free Song: ![]() Two in One (Sunrise - On The Way Home) Hello, and Hello again (for you repeat visitors)! This webpage will mark the commencement of the new Monthly Free Song Giveaway Page from These free songs will be accompanied, as usual, by a fine, enlighteningly informative, perhaps even life-altering narrative of dubious grammatical correctness (as usual). This month's free offering is a song that has been sitting in limbo for several decades now, having been born in or around the year of 1989 (if my Alzheimer's-ridden memory still serves me). Originally titled "Two in One" by myself and the song's original creator, one Eddie (Eddy?) Perez of Los Angeles, California, it is actually two distinctly different songs put together into... well, one! Thus the very clever name. The songs are separated by a short interlude sound that is supposed to be ocean waves breaking on some beautiful but lonely beach (I didn't have the "special audio effects" library that I now possess at that point of my illustrious career). I have taken the unmitigated liberty of assigning a new, very poetic name for each of the two segments: "Sunrise" and "On The Way Home"  (which may or may not be the name of one of my very favorite Neil Young songs, from his Buffalo Springfield incarnation; like I just said, my memory isn't what it used to be... thanks, aluminum!). Actually, the title "Two in One" could also be taken to represent the union of two independent songwriting musicians who got along rather well together (musically speaking); myself, and the aforementioned Eddie Perez (who bears the honorable distinction of having been born not only on the same day, but in the same Santa Monica Hospital room as one of Ozzy Osbourne's slew of great heavy-metal guitarists. What an honor, Ed!) But this song is no heavy-metal joke; no, indeed. This is one of the most beautiful songs that ever came out of old Eduardo, who is (was?) one of the best guitarist-songwriters that I've ever played with... or heard, for that matter. And I (old El Chucko) feel extremely proud and honored to have been allowed to play heartfelt guitar accompaniment to it. If you don't like this song, you are either absolutely musically deficient (wouldn't surprise me at all, these sad days) or else you are absolutely musically deficient. If so, go suck on one of your high-tech streaming devices... you are most definitely not a musical soul. I must admit, I may be a little bit biased about the glorious integrity of this little number(s), for the following reasons: (1) I played on it myself; and (2) It saved my life, a great reason for liking something (or someone). Please allow me to elaborate a bit on reason no. 2 there, if you will (or even if you don't will). The year was 1990, or thereabouts I believe - and I was in an evergrowing state of severe suicidal depression. If you are a long-time follower of this website (which made its debut in the year of our Lord 1999) you may find yourself snidely remarking, "isn't he always?" Ha ha, funny you. But this particular instance of grave sadness was one of unusually extreme severity, involving one of those dangerous (but all-too necessary) "affairs of the heart" that most everyone experiences (if you haven't yet, consider yourself lucky; you probably will). A little while before the birth of this song, I had rather stupidly (very stupidly, actually) fled from a pretty good job as a word processing operator in a small but successful law firm. I did this in a state of blind anger, due to circumstances that I won't delve into just now (you can find out why in my upcoming autobiography, which I may or may not live long enough to publish). This voluntary termination not only brought about a loss of daily personal contact with a female co-worker who had become very dear to me, but also resulted in a disastrous (for me) communication breakdown between us... one of the most dangerous things in the world when it comes to affairs of the heart, in my wizened opinion. It also marked the beginning of what has since been a lifetime of continual hard knocks, with very few respites... a desperate flight from crippling sadness, with the very devil himself hard on my heels (accompanied, as always, by his ever-present contingent of malevolently bitter and hideously cruel minions). I have managed to keep one step ahead of both the sadness and the devil for much of this duration, by keeping myself occupied; but from time to time both have caught up with me, and beaten me to my knees. I wish I could joke that I am merely feeling sorry for myself, but I can't; the only solace I can take is in the fact that when it comes to heartbreak, one is never alone. What a relief, eh? I really don't know what has inspired the very devil to pursue me with such cruel zealousness for most of my life. I have thoroughly and exhaustively searched my soul for anything I might have done to deserve such unrelenting punishment. I have a very accurate sense of recall, and when it comes to self-analysis, I tend to be overly-hard on myself; nevertheless, I just cannot find any valid or sane reason for the evil, insane persecutions that I've had to endure. In my lifetime I've been an avid reader of both fiction and non-fiction, as well as the "news" (which is both), and am quite aware of the multitude of adversities that will confront and destroy unfortunate (and even more well-off) people; still, I simply can't recall anything that would explain or excuse the thousands of intentionally-inflicted blows I've suffered, other than the sadistically vindictive nature of an entity that I've come to believe is The Beast incarnate. In the process of trying to understand it better, I have learned much about this rather unhappy and obviously self-loathing creature. In fact, I've learned so much about this demonic entity, that I imagine I must be one of the world's foremost authorities on the psychological and emotional turmoils that compel its atrocious, bestial behavior; but these are turmoils that trouble us all, and I still like to believe that most of us would not so willingly and readily sell our souls to the real devil, who eagerly awaits our capitulation. However, getting back to the year 1990... Fortunately for me, the Good Lord Himself took pity on my plight and provided me with a means to fight off my near-total dejection; the heavenly gift of music itself. I had recently begun a most gratifying musical relationship with a longtime friend and extremely gifted musician, the aforementioned Eddie Perez, who was in the habit of composing very beautiful instrumental songs on his fine vintage Martin guitar. Taking advantage of the fact that Eddie could not play both rhythm and lead guitar parts simultaneously (like the Classic Rock God Jimi Hendrix could), I found a niche adding accompaniment to Eddie's excellent rhythms, which always inspired the musical poet in me; his uniquely original and unusual songs incited profound, unfeigned expressions of joy and sorrow which rose up freely and honestly from the depths of my poor tortured soul, helping me to forget my pain while setting my spirit free, and bringing temporary but blessed relief from my many hellish torments (and tormentors). Unfortunately for me however, the Good Lord Himself seemed to be preoccupied with some even worse satanically-conceived problems that were plaguing mankind at that time (problems which now seem to have reached a fearful point of reckoning). After saving my life by kickstarting the musical collaboration with Eddie, The Lord seemed to have just suddenly up and disappeared, leaving me to my own devices (I say seemed to have disappeared... He never actually does, with me). I was still beset with the daily problems of life, which included somehow paying my ever-increasing monthly rent after getting continually run out of jobs by satanically-manipulated (or else just plain mean) employers, and/or their office managers. I can honestly say that I was very good at my clerical jobs, be they ever so humble; and out of the dozens of positions that I've held, I actually deserved to be fired from only a very few of them. Nonetheless, fired I kept on getting, year after year, until I had to start "trimming" my resume to keep it from running to embarassingly numerous pages (such secrecy is getting much harder in this internet age of super-snoop, high-tech obnoxiousness). As a result of this and many other pressures, I found myself falling into a rather mean habit of "celebrating life" by imbibing dangerous quantities of tequila and beer each and every weekend, without fail. This led to an onset of the dreaded delerium tremors, or "D.T.'s," that plague hard-drinking alcoholics, the terrifying effects of which eventually made me slow down my self-destruction... a bit. But on with the sob story. One fine Christmas morning, Eddie called and gleefully informed me that his girlfriend had bought him a small 4-track cassette tape recorder, and told me to get myself down there fast. I dutifully did, and we began learning the fine art of home-studio recording together. We began to record our collaborative songs on the 4-track, though our early attempts left much to be desired (due more to lack of engineering and "producer" expertise than anything else, I always say). I still have many Maxell cassette tapes of some of these early attempts (Maxell tapes lasted about 100 times longer than other comparatively priced brands, so I bought those exclusively). One of the tapes contained rhythm guitar tracks of this "Two In One" song, so some years later I added lead guitar, drums, and a few other voices on my own 4-track machine, sans Eddie; this month's free download is the final mixdown of a decades-long musical project. I played this song on my CD player very infrequently over the years, as it subconsciously brought on depressing memories of that very painful period of my life; but I have always loved it for other, more positive reasons. As I mentioned before, I was in dire emotional pain at the time, and it was this song, particularly the second part, "On The Way Home", that kept me afloat in a sea of troubles. I can remember hearing this song reverberating through my mind's speakers as I drove home from yet another short-lived position at a small physical therapy clinic, after finishing my shift at the unusual hour of 3:00 p.m. This early quitting time turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as the winding avenue which I usually took was lined with many trees, whose beautiful branches always blew about violently in the afternoon wind; they seemed to be performing a wild, crazy dance to the poignant rhythms pouring through my head, and I didn't feel so all alone. After eating a quick meal upon reaching my apartment, I would quite often jump back into my car and race off to L.A.'s famous Griffith Park, where I would continue to hear various shades of this two-piece song as I hiked through the soul-comforting green and brown hills, until the blessedly sympathetic sun sank down beneath the horizon in a glorious display of uplifting colors. I would quite often stop on a hilltop and just stare at the sunset, standing perfectly still and drinking it all in, as my heart mercifully ceased to ache for a while. Then I was able to walk back down to my car and drive home, having found enough peace to make it through another night. Therein lies the magic healing power of God and music, to those troubled souls lucky enough to be able to perceive their true majesty. I'm obviously not refering to the asinine, musically-devoid usurpers that ruined rock and roll, after the little worm opened up the floodgates to let all and sundry in (thus making itself a multi-billionaire, instead of just another lowly, petty millionaire). If you are one of the lucky ones, these two songs just might "strike a chord" somewhere in the recessive hemisphere of your brain; in fact, I'm sure that they will. You are the poetic souls who have known true gods of sound and time, and had to pay costly dues to attain such knowledge. As such, I am truly happy to have finally found the time to present you all with this "eloquent complaint." Sometimes we tormented artists can only bare our souls through our music. Speaking for mankind in general, we all seem to be in a rather grim position at this time, whatever your musical and other artistic tastes may be. I myself would be terrified to be a young person experiencing the end of sheltered innocence right about now; what we elders are leaving to them is just not fair. It would seem that the aforementioned self-pitying, self-loathing cabal has deemed that the time has come to force us to listen and cringe to their not-so eloquent complaints, and dance along to their not-so uplifting tune. Since they derive their now-awesome power from all the foibles and vices of mankind itself, in truth most of us must bear part of the blame; the satanists readily and gloatingly contribute the other part, and have always been expert at doing so, probably before "man" had even begun to walk upright. This sad state of affairs is known as the "Devil Theory," to those who can see it; it is a consequence of being a part of the beautiful and monstrous pageant of life in this purgatory we call the world (which must seem more like hell to some poor souls). I have long considered my own self to be an inmate, so to speak, of this purgatory, put here to pay for my venial sins from a previous life; but I realize that this still-beautiful world is far from the real Hell, which must be completely devoid of both beauty and sanity. Whether or not it transitions from purgatory to hell itself depends on greater mankind's ability to transition from beasts of the civilized jungle, into higher, more "godly" beings who can learn to stop the infighting and concentrate on neutralizing the satanists among us who have given up on such lofty designs, whether or not they believe in God, the devil, or anything else. I believe the first step in this direction would entail making a "positive identification" of just who and what is deliberately causing all the infighting, whether they are creators of "entertainment" (i.e., television or movie shows, sit-coms, "rock" music lyrics, sick disgusting publicly displayed art, etc.), self-deluding "savior" financial manipulators that control all of us by the purse-strings... or unabashed worshippers of the devil himself, in all of his ugly glory. Life can be bad enough with all of its inherent frictions, misunderstandings, and fears; we really don't need the insane and nihilistic "realists" who view the world for what it is (i.e., what people like themselves have made it)... rather that what it should be. It would seem that now is the time for all good souls to commit to a course of global sanity, compromise, and cooperation, if it's not already too late; we must stop the infighting, and team up against the devil. Remember, the nihilistic satanists always go for broke; that's why they're winning. We must do the same; but who are "we?" Click the link below to download your free song(s): Two In One (Sunrise - On The Way Home) Click here to go back to Index The song "Two In One (Sunrise - On The Way Home)" Copyright January 2025 by Charles Adrian Trevino and Eddie Perez. Text and photo copyright January 2025 by Charles Adrian Trevino. This is |